The Effect of Aerodynamics on Vehicle Performance – Antalya Airport Car Rental The Effect of Aerodynamics on Vehicle Performance – Antalya Airport Car Rental - 5sCarRental


The Effect of Aerodynamics on Vehicle Performance – Antalya Airport Car Rental

The Effect of Aerodynamics on Vehicle Performance – Antalya Airport Car Rental

The Effect of Aerodynamics on Vehicle Performance – Antalya Airport Car Rental

Antalya Airport car rental , we discussed a content about the effect of aerodynamics on vehicle performance. You can continue reading our blog for details.

Aerodynamics is one of the most important issues in car body design. As the Antalya Airport car rental company, we wanted to inform you about this. A model should be good not only visually, but also aerodynamically. That's why designers have a very difficult job… The car designs they make are not only made on paper and computer screens, but also have to be tested in many different ways.

What is aerodynamics?

Antalya Airport vehicle As rental , we can express the term aerodynamics as "air circulation around an object". The term (but not limited to cars and land vehicles) has been translated from Greek into English by the words "aviation" and "dynamic", which in our language can be translated as "aerodynamic". It can also be said that it is a branch of science in which researches are carried out under the subject of fluid mechanics and the effect of air force on objects is examined, and it can be said that it gains more importance due to today's technological developments. Two different coefficients are used, such as (Cd) and transport support (Cl). While the Cd value is mainly taken into account for land vehicles, the resistance (Cd) and transportation (Cl) coefficients are also taken into account in flying objects (especially aircraft design). This is because vehicles tend to take off at very high speeds.

What are the effects on consumption and performance?

Cars' drift value (Cd) and aerodynamic tests are usually performed first in a computer program, then on a scale model in a small wind tunnel and finally in a laboratory in a large wind tunnel. Performed on a real prototype of the same size as the vehicle.

What is Drag Coefficient (Cd)?

This term is translated in our language as "drag coefficient", but can also be used as "wind resistance coefficient" to make it easier to remember. It is used with abbreviations such as Cw, Cd and Cx and its value changes according to certain parameters. For ease of understanding, we will use the term car rather than an object expression as the subject of this article.

Speed ​​of the cabin and surface area upwind (projected cross-sectional area) and resistance due to air density and velocity It will cause the Cd value to change. In fact, there is a frictional link of Cf between the values ​​of Cw and Cd, but often the abbreviations Cw and Cd are used for the same purpose. Some sources express the drag coefficient of the vehicle as Cd, while other sources express it as Cw. These concepts can be kept in mind this way because it is a very detailed engineering subject and too many details will distract you.

The projected cross-sectional area of ​​the vehicle exposed to the wind is a very important parameter. If the area can be reduced, the Cd coefficient will decrease to a certain extent. The lower the Cd value, the lower the wind resistance of the car. For this reason, manufacturers try to keep this value as low as possible by considering the appearance of the vehicle.

Which part of the car is affected by the wind and how much?

As the speed of the cars on the road increases, the resistance against them also increases. You don't need to be in a car or do special tests to understand this situation. You can see this in the feeling of pressure on your face when you start running from a stationary state. As our speed increases, this sense of pressure increases. In the same way, wind pressure appears on the vehicle.

There are places on the car body that increase resistance and force air to flow. Although these points increase the overall Cd value of the vehicle, at some points they help lower the Cd value due to the ease of flow. In particular, the front bumper, wiper, rear view mirror, upper part of the trunk lid and the contact point between the tire and the ground have attracted the attention of people because they have the highest wind resistance. For this reason, manufacturers use different design details to make wind flow more comfortable in these areas.