How Much is the Discount for Early Payment of Traffic Fines? – Cheap Car Rental

How Much is the Discount for Early Payment of Traffic Fines? – Cheap Car Rental - 5scarrental


How Much is the Discount for Early Payment of Traffic Fines? – Cheap Car Rental

How Much is the Discount for Early Payment of Traffic Fines? – Cheap Car Rental

How much is the Early Payment Discount for Traffic Fines? – Cheap Car Rental

Cheap car rental, we wanted to inform those who are curious about the answer to the question how much is the early payment discount for traffic fine. Well, how much is the early payment discount for traffic fine? You can continue reading our blog for details.

Many traffic accidents occur due to the carelessness of drivers or external factors. These traffic accidents cause deaths, injuries and property damage. Since traffic accidents occur mostly due to driver errors, deterrent traffic fines are given in order to minimize these errors. or in case of non-compliance with traffic rules. With the recent change dated 1.1.2020, traffic fines have been increased by 22.58 percent.

Citizens can use their own cars as well as cheap car rental. Citizens who have received a traffic ticket in any way may have questions such as whether there will be any discount. The answer to this question is positive. In the penalty notification sent to the prisoner's house, there is information about early payment of traffic fine.

While the penalty notice is sent to the owners' own residences, cheap vehicles Those who rent a car through rental receive a penalty notice to the company they rented the car from. Through this notification, early payment discount can be learned.

How Much Discount Is There for Early Payment of Traffic Fine? h4>

First of all, early payment discount for traffic fineis available if the fined money is paid within fifteen days after the notification of the penalty is received. Twenty-five percent discount is given for traffic fines paid within fifteen days.

The vehicles of drivers who have received traffic fines with their own vehicle can be purchased via cheap car rental. It is cut personally to the renters. However, early payment discount on traffic fine is of interest to individuals in both cases and drivers benefit from a discount.

The said early payment discount for traffic fine is of interest to individuals. strong> is only valid for fifteen days. After fifteen days, there will be no discount. In addition, delayed traffic fines will be increased by five percent for each month. In other words, both car owners and those who rent a car through cheap car rental must make their payments on time.

The most severed traffic fines and their traffic in 2020. early payment discountcan be counted as follows:

• The first drink driving penalty is 1,228 TL, while the discounted version is 921 TL.

• The penalty for the second drunk driving is 1,539 TL, while the discounted version is 1,154 TL.

• The penalty for violating the safety lane is 1,228 TL, while the discount is 921.20 TL.

• The penalty for driving without a license plate is It is 1,698 TL, 1,273.50 TL when discounted.

• The penalty for driving without a license is 2,473 TL, while at discount it is 1,855.25 TL

• The penalty for using a mobile phone while driving is 288 TL , when discounted, is 215.75 TL.

• The penalty for driving without a seat belt is 132 TL, and when discounted is 99 TL.

• Overtaking in prohibited areas is 288 TL, with a discount 216 TL. T It is L.

 • The penalty for driving without inspection is 288 TL, with a discount, it is 176.25 TL.

 • The penalty for exceeding the speed limit is between ten percent and thirty percent, 288 TL, It is 176.25 TL when discounted.

• The penalty for exceeding the speed limit is between thirty percent and fifty percent, and the penalty for exceeding the speed limit is 598 TL, and 448 TL when discounted. The penalty for exceeding fifty is 1,228 TL, and 921 TL when discounted.

• The penalty for not complying with the following distance is 132 TL, and 99 TL when discounted.

Where to Make Early Payments of Traffic Fines?

Car owners who have received traffic fines or those who rent a car through cheap car rental can make their payments through contracted banks. they can pay. Another method is to pay the Revenue Administration. Traffic fines can be paid by going to the Revenue Administration in person, or it can be paid online. Car owners or those who rent a car through cheap car rental can pay by credit card on the website of the Revenue Administration.