Known Facts – Izmir Adnan Menderes Airport Car Rental

Known Facts – Izmir Adnan Menderes Airport Car Rental - 5sCarRental


Known Facts – Izmir Adnan Menderes Airport Car Rental

Izmir Adnan Menderes Airport Car Rental

Fact Known Mistakes – Izmir Adnan Menderes Airport Car Rental

In this article, what is known to be true about automobiles we have discussed the mistakes.Izmir Adnan Menderes Airport car rental services will rent a car right about cars They can have a better car rental experience by learning about known mistakes.

Cars are one of the most used vehicles in daily life. They are the most familiar tools about its use and its parts. However, there is some information that is known to be true but incorrect. Correcting these mistakes, which are thought to be correct, will also extend the life of the automobiles.

Heating of the Engine

Automobiles The first of the well-known misconceptions about the vehicle is that the engine must be warmed up after the vehicle is started. This is done very often, especially in cold weather. After starting the vehicle, wait for the engine to warm up for at least a few minutes. However, the tool does not actually need such a thing. Maintaining this habit will only be a waste of time and fuel. On the contrary, moving 30 seconds after starting your vehicle will reduce your fuel consumption and exhaust gas emissions. In such information, companies that provide Izmir Adnan Menderes Airport car rental helps renters.

Position of the Steering Wheel

As it is known, one of the most common expressions is to hold the steering wheel. is your position. It is said that in possible situations you should keep your hands in the 2:10 position for less damage. However, this was more true in the past. There are airbags today. It should be used in the 3 and 9 directions in order not to interfere with the operation of the airbags and to take less damage. For such information, you can consult companies that provide Izmir Adnan Menderes Airport car rental services.

Premium Fuels

For years, premium fuels have been thought to make cars more powerful. However, the premium fuels you will receive with a small margin do not provide as high performance as you think. They are not more refined or cleaner than regular fuels. They are even less flammable than standard fuels. You should not choose such fuels, which may even damage your vehicle, unless it is mandatory. It will be useful to learn from the authorities which fuel should be filled for the vehicle you will rent from Izmir Adnan Menderes Airport car rental companies.

< h3> Fuels in Manual and Automatic Cars

It was true that automatic transmission vehicles consumed more fuel than manual vehicles in their early days. Today, however, things have changed. Power savings have been achieved with the parts added to the new automatic cars. These parts reduce the load on the engine. That's why automatic transmission cars are now ahead in terms of fuel economy. Izmir Adnan Menderes Airport car rentalyou can save fuel by choosing automatic transmission vehicles from companies that provide services.

Vehicle Doors h3>

It is thought that if the vehicle doors are not locked, less damage will be taken in possible accidents or it will be safer. However, this is wrong. On the contrary, if you do not lock your doors, the doors will be opened more easily during an accident. They can even leave the car completely. This increases the likelihood of the driver and passengers getting out. The doors of the vehicle must be locked. You should pay attention to these issues when renting a car with Izmir Adnan Menderes Airport car rental.

Air Conditioning and Windows

People believe that traveling with the air conditioner on is more economical than traveling with the windows open. they think it is. However, this is also a false statement. According to studies, it has been determined that less fuel is used in most vehicle types when traveling with the windows open. If you realize that you are having problems with fuel, it will be beneficial to turn off your air conditioner.

Inflating Tires

Vehicle Users think that under or over inflating the tires will save fuel. This only affects the air pressure of the tires. It has no effect on the fuel consumption of the vehicle. It even affects the driving of the vehicle. Therefore, it is necessary to have knowledge about the structure of the vehicle. Accordingly, vehicle tires must be inflated at the correct rate. Otherwise, undesirable events may occur while driving. When you rent a car with Izmir Adnan Menderes airport car rental services, you should learn from the authorities how much air you need to put into your car's tires.

Exhaust Cleaning

A part of vehicle maintenance is exhaust cleaning. There are also misconceptions about exhaust cleaning. In such disclosures One must be very meticulous and careful in this regard. Even help should be sought. The exhaust should never be exposed directly to water. Pressurized water should not be kept. Do not try to clean it by inserting any other items into it. Such cleaning methods can push the dirt inside instead of pulling it out. It can even cause the exhaust to puncture. Izmir Adnan Menderes Airport car rental companies regularly clean the exhaust of the vehicles.

Car Exterior Cleaning

It is thought that the brush cleans the most well in the exterior cleaning of the vehicle. However, brushes can create serious scratches on the surface of the car. Therefore, sponge should be preferred.