How to Remove the Pledge on the Vehicle? – Istanbul Sabiha Gokcen Airport Car Rental

How to Remove the Pledge on the Vehicle? – Istanbul Sabiha Gokcen Airport Car Rental - 5sCarRental


How to Remove the Pledge on the Vehicle? – Istanbul Sabiha Gokcen Airport Car Rental

How to Remove the Pledge on the Vehicle? – Istanbul Sabiha Gokcen Airport Car Rental

How to Remove Pledge on Vehicle? – Istanbul Sabiha Gokcen Airport Car Rental

Istanbul Sabiha Gokcen Airport car strong>we have prepared an article on how to remove the pledge on a vehicle. So how to remove the pledge on the vehicle? Details are on our blog.

Sometimes due to one's own needs, and sometimes because of someone else's need, vehicles can be pawned. In general, vehicles are pledged for a loan to be taken from the bank. While the loans received in large amounts are paid, the vehicles are still under pledge. When the debt is completed, the pledge on the vehicle can be removed.

When vehicles are pledged for credit, this pledge is registered in the vehicle registry. The reason for this record is that there is no loss of rights. When the vehicle owner wants to sell the vehicle, the pledge is recorded in the vehicle registry so that the buyer is informed of the pledge. A person can either pledge his vehicle for his debt or pledge another's vehicle with that person's approval.

However, Istanbul Sabiha Gökçen Airport car rental temporarily acquired vehicles cannot be pledged for one's own debt.

The most important question that comes to mind after a vehicle is pawned how to remove the hostage on the vehicle? is the question. The answer to this question will be answered below.

How to Remove Pledge on Vehicles?

On Vehicles There are two methods of foreclosure removal. Because with a change made in 2011, the pledge removal process has changed. However, the pledge made before 2011 will be removed in the old way. Accordingly, there are two methods for removing a pledge: the minus method and the new method. As it turns out, how to remove the pledge on the vehicle? The answer to the question will be explained in two ways.

New Method

New method It is stated that the debt is completed by going to the bank branch from which the loan is taken and therefore the pledge is desired to be removed. If the officer in the bank sees that there is no problem by performing the necessary transactions and checks, he will remove the pledge. The person taking the pledge can check whether the pledge has been lifted or not via e-government. Removal of the pledge is only possible with the approval of the vehicle owner. Uninstallation is also not possible. However, the person doing the Istanbul Sabiha Gökçen Airport car rental business can pledge the rental vehicles in his possession due to his job and have the pledge removed after paying the debt.

Old Procedure

In the old method, the pledge removal process is not as short and inexpensive as in the new method. Although the answer to the old-fashioned question how to remove the pledge on the vehicle?> is short, the procedures will be long. Those who pawn their vehicle before 2011 are subject to the old method. According to the old method, the pledge removal process has four stages:

1. First of all, the debt must be paid off.

2. It must be shown with a document to be obtained by going to the bank that the debt is completed.


3. The document showing the completion of the debt must be approved by going to the notary public together with the bank officer.

4. Finally, the pledge must be removed by going to the Traffic Registry Directorate through a notarized document.

As it can be seen, the pledge cannot be removed by only dealing with a bank officer, as in the old system, in the new system. Both notary approval and the Traffic Registry Directorate must be examined. The pledge on the vehicle will be removed when it is satisfied that the documents are correct.

How Long Does the Pledge Removal Take?

People who are going to take the pledge come to mind after the question How to remove the pledge on the vehicle?, how long will the hostage removal process take? During this period, it changes according to the old and new method.

New Method

Pledging in the new method Since the removal process is done online, it can be completed in a few minutes. Since the officer in the bank can also collect the paperwork fees online, the pledge on the vehicle can be removed in just a minute or two. Again, those who carry out car rental businesses such as Istanbul Sabiha Gökçen Airport car rental will follow the same path when removing the pledge on the vehicles of their companies.

Old Procedure

 It may take 3-4 days a week, as there are works such as banks and notaries in the old way, but it can be said that these transactions are accelerated. If the bank is slow, it could even take a month. People who want transactions to be completed quickly will have to put pressure on their banks. Thus, it will be handled faster.