What is Exempted Insurance? – Antalya Airport Car Rental

What is Exempted Insurance? – Antalya Airport Car Rental - 5sCarRental


What is Exempted Insurance? – Antalya Airport Car Rental

What is Exempted Insurance? – Antalya Airport Car Rental

What is Insurance Exemption? – Antalya Airport Car Rental

Antalya Airport car rental< /a> One of the most curious questions of those looking for affordable insurance among the car insurance options is what is an exempted motor insurance. The auto insurance exemption is a discount option applied to the price of your own car damage insurance policy and is affected by the tax exemption rate agreed upon when the insurance company and the insured issue the policy. In the engine's own damage policy, the insured may undertake a certain amount of damage and share it with the insurance company.

Antalya airport car rentalwhile paying compensation in an exempt insurance policy, the insurance company participates by deducting the tax exemption rate specified in the policy. The determined tax exemption rate is paid by the insured. Compared to standard auto insurance products, the payment of both parties can be considered the most significant difference. Because Antalya Airport car rentalwhen the insurance product is damaged and there is no exemption, only the insurance company pays. The result of this difference is that non-exempt insurance products are more expensive.Antalya Airport car rentalsince discounts can be made on the tax-free insurance policy, that is, the affordable price will generally give priority to car owners whose vehicle prices exceed their budget.

Exempt Insurance Features

Antalya Airport car rental is the insurance company, the motor vehicle's own compensates the loss exempted from liability in the damage policy, but still has to reduce a certain amount after deducting the tax exemption rate according to the procedure. The determined tax exemption rate is paid by the insured. Compared to the known methods of damage to the vehicle itself, the two sides are considered the most significant difference. Because in the case of damage to the vehicle in the non-exempt insurance system, all damage will be paid by the insurance company. Because of this difference, non-tax-exempt insurance products are more expensive.

Exemption insurance policy , Antalya Airport car rental is formulated at a relatively discounted price. If the insurance price exceeds the owner's budget, this product is the first choice. On the other hand, the exemption is reduced for products that damage such engines. In this application, if the insurance cost is a certain rate (eg 1% and 2%), the person should be exempted from the policy. If the vehicle is damaged, a certain fee must be paid.

Deletion Exemption Application

Exemption Application A certain percentage of the insurance amount, such as 1%, 2% or 3%, is exempt from the insurance policy. A certain amount of damage occurs when damage occurs to a vehicle. What matters for tax-exempt insurance is the extent to which the damage corresponds to the insurance policy. For example, if the tax exemption rate stipulated in the insurance policy is 2%, in case of damage, more than 2% of the insured's insurance amount, and the portion exceeding 2% will be paid to the insured by the auto damage insurance. The rate should be negotiated and determined by the insurance company and the insured and should be included in the insurance policy in writing.

Advantage of Exempted Insurance

The biggest advantage of the exempt insurance is that the Antalya Airport car rental price is lower than the non-exempt insurance policies. Therefore, with such insurance, you can buy insurance at a lower price. If your vehicle does not have insurance, in the event of an accident, you must compensate for all damage, regardless of size. If property damage causes high costs, a large budget may be required. In a tax-free insured low-cost accident, even if you cover the damage yourself, your budget is safe in the event of a major loss.

No Procedures Needed


As long as the insured bears the cost of minor damages, although this is not convenient for the insured, it also has some advantages. The insured has no right to claim compensation from the insurance company for minor injuries, so there is no need for any formalities. Trying to repair the damage through the engine's own damage insurance involves many time-consuming processes, such as submitting documents to contract service, obtaining approval or queuing. With insurance, a few hours of surgery will become longer and more laborious. Duty-free insurance gives the vehicle owner the flexibility of minor losses, instead of having to do all these steps, the vehicle can be repaired wherever it is needed.