Why Does the Engine Lose Oil?

Why Does the Engine Lose Oil? - 5scarrental


Why Does the Engine Lose Oil?

Why Does the Engine Lose Oil?

Why Does the Engine Lose Oil?

Samsun Çarşamba Airport car rental company that drivers wonder We wanted to inform you about the question why does the engine reduce oil?. Well, why does the engine reduce oil? You can continue reading our article for details.

Oil circulation plays an important role in the operation of vehicles. A certain amount of oil is used by the engine for the operation of the vehicle engine. As a result of some mistakes, the oil in the vehicles can run out quickly. In this case, why does the engine lose oil? the question is inevitable to be asked.

Our company, which stands out with its Samsun Carsamba Airport car rental service, is ready to answer all your questions. Why does the engine lose oil? You can find the answer to the question via 5s CarRental.

Oil Circulation in Cars

Why does the engine reduce oil? Before answering the question, it is useful to understand the oil circulation in vehicles. Because every oil deficiency may not be caused by the engine. The loss of some oil from your vehicle may be a normal result of oil circulation.

The oil rate in our cars is always checked while providing Samsun Carsamba Airport car rental. Our company, which strives to provide the best service to our customers, presents well-maintained vehicles to your liking.

Why Is There Less Oil in the Car?

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Oils that enter the circulation in cars may decrease as a result of various damages. Since the loss of oil in your vehicle may indicate important problems, it should be checked. Otherwise, the amount of oil required for the engine to run may fall below. As a result of this situation, a problem called 'bearing wrap' may occur in the engine.

The use of unsuitable oil types can also cause oil reduction. It is also possible for the oil to burn due to some damage to the engine. Samsun Carsamba Airport car rental We always use suitable oil types in the vehicles used in the application. In this way, we prevent annoying damages that may occur in vehicles.

Why does the engine reduce oil?It would be best to apply to authorized services to solve the problem. It is better to act quickly and leave the job to the experts to avoid further damage to your vehicle.

Why Does the Engine Burn Oil?


Why does the engine lose oil? Let's try to answer the question in the most understandable way. Engines have parts called pistons. Engine oil is needed to prevent the friction of the pistons. The oil used for this purpose is located in the lower parts of the engine. At the top of the engine, air and fuel are together.

It is undesirable for the engine oil to pass into the upper part and be included in the air and fuel mixture. This may cause the engine to burn oil.

Samsun Çarşamba Airport car rental is delivered to you with the engines in the vehicles maintained. In this way, we aim to prevent malfunctions that may occur in the journeys of our valued customers.

Why Does Engine Oil Leak?

< p>We said that with the leakage of engine oil, it can mix with air and fuel. Why does the engine lose oil?Let's examine how this happens in order to fully understand the issue.

If the engine rings are loosened, oil may leak between the pistons. Loosening of the rings may be caused by operating the vehicle at high speed.

However, if the valves are damaged, oil burning can also occur. If the intake valves and peripheral parts fail, oil can leak into the combustion chamber.

If your car is between 20-30 years old, you may encounter oil burning problems due to aging.


Samsun Çarşamba Airport car rentalwe offer our customers only vehicles in good condition. As a customer-oriented company, our priority is always the happiness of our customers. For this reason, we consider it our duty to provide the highest quality service. You can get the Samsun Çarşamba Airport car rental application with peace of mind and have a pleasant journey.

How Can You Tell If The Engine Is Burning Too Much Oil?

It can be understood by looking at the color of the exhaust smoke that the engine burns oil. If the exhaust fumes are in blue tones, it is certain that the engine has decreased oil.

When you open the engine cover, you can see that the engine is blowing air. In this case, it is a sign that the engine is burning oil.

Another way to understand oil burning is the oil dipstick. With these bars used when the ignition is off, the oil level can be learned.